
Designer Bags-buy it or Fake It!

A few years back the handbag was a symbol of the liberated woman in India. It was mostly associated Celine Handbags with working women who hardly used it for anything else than to carry their dabba. It differentiated the working woman from the homebound.

Today, every woman sports a handbag. The hand bag, from being a mere necessity has now become a status symbol. Yous left for many is to go for replicas.

Among the accessories that most women would want on their wardrobe is definitely the designer bag. Its interesting to see that a simple handbag can change your looks from being dull and drab to being hot and trendy. Among the goods that are most replicated the designer bag easily tops the list.

There are many who would say theys the beauty of globalization. The hide (for the Jimmy Choo Handbags bag) comes from China, the zipper form Japan, the lining from Korea the embroidery from India and the label says "Made in France". Great replicas are available at throwaway prices on the internet.

Shopping for a replica is very easy today. Just type replica handbags as your key word and you have a host of websites that offer good quality at competitive prices. There are websites selling a Dolce and Gabbana for as less as $100 where the original is anywhere from $ 1000 to $ 1500. A Louis Vitton comes at an attractive $150 to $250 range where the original could make Hermes Handbags a huge dent in your pocket. Most of the times, the quality of the fake is pretty good, if not better than the original.

Bags made in China are every manufacturers world.

